What is Ultimate Masculinity
What Is Ultimate Masculinity
Masculinity is a concept defined by virtuous ideals: virility, bravery, strength, decisiveness, protectiveness and a willingness to take risks. Ultimate Masculinity is the pursuit and achievement of these values via the application of certain lifestyle pillars, including good nutrition, vigorous exercise and mindful mental health practices.
The idea behind Ultimate Masculinity started when I noticed that one of the most potent indicators of masculinity, one’s ability to achieve and maintain an erection, is directly related to his nutrition, physical conditioning, and mental health. For example, eating a diet high in fiber and low in saturated fat will reduce fatty plaque accumulation in blood vessels; this plaque is a leading cause of physiological erectile dysfunction. Maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system with exercise means good blood flow; good blood flow is critical to a strong erection. Finally, one of the leading causes of all erectile dysfunction is stress; managing one’s stress is an important factor in mental health. These relationships expanded into a theory: if a man optimizes his lifestyle for quality erections, he will necessarily also optimize his lifestyle for health: a nutritious diet, regular cardio & strength training, and good stress management and mental health practices.
As I researched and learned more about nutrition and exercise, I found that these pillars support masculinity more holistically than just erectile potency. For example, because fat is estrogenic, by keeping your body fat in check, you appear and feel more masculine. A well-nourished gut plays a huge role in your ability to be decisive. Confidence, an aspect of self-esteem and mental health, can be mediated via posture. Considering these countless dynamics of systemic health and masculine ideals, the theory of Ultimate Masculinity is inevitable - by optimizing the lifestyle pillars, one optimizes masculinity.
Coach Harry’s Guide to Achieving Ultimate Masculinity exists to deepen the understanding of these relationships and to support men in their pursuit and achievement of Ultimate Masculinity.
Pillars of Ultimate Masculinity
Ultimate Masculinity is supported by three lifestyle pillars: nutrition, exercise, mental resilience. In the coming weeks and months, we’ll share introductory articles for each of the pillars, and link them here!